Thursday, May 29, 2008

Breaking the Rules Already

Well I guess I'm not very good at following rules, but I wanted to post again. I have had a terrible day, I feel awful. My head started killing me first thing this morning and I haven't been able to shake it. I'm all stuffy too, miserable. I ended up going home early from work because I was having such a hard time with my headache, The Tylenol wasn't cutting it. Going home sick with 2 kids really sucks. I wish I could've just laid down on the couch, but of course they wouldn't let me. So needless to say i still feel like crap and haven't gotten to rest at all, so I can't wait for the kids to go to bed tonight. I probably wont even watch So You Think You Can Dance which is big for me because I hate missing my shows. Well, time to attempt baths.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

New Rules

I've decided to limit myself, and my computer usage. I think I've become addicted to reading peoples blogs, I can't wait to jump on the computer to see if there's something new to read and I find myself blog hopping and wasting a lot of time. My new plan is to only go online every other day, this way there will be more new posts to read anyway so I wont be disappointed when I go to a blog and there's no new posts. Also I'm going to make myself post on my own blog before I read what anyone else has posted, I think this will help because once I start reading other people's blogs I lose interest in writing on my own, and it will keep me updating (I go through really good spurts and then I burn out). Wish me luck. I'll also try to post comments more on everyone else's blog, I always read them, but I don't always know what to comment back.

Memorial Day BBQ

We made last minute plans on Memorial Day to head to my sisters for a BBQ. I am so glad we went, it was so much fun. The kids were so excited to get out of the house and have some other kids to play with. Here are some cute pics of the kids.

Sierra loved jumping on the trampoline, so did Reece. If you zoom in you can really see the pure joy on his face.Look at that static.
We did s'mores on the BBQ, Sissy ended up taking the chocolate and marshmallow out of the graham crackers(Git that cracker outta my chocolate!)
Bubba just ate a square of chocolate, he was in heaven.
His face is hilarious, he was so excited that the cat was up next to him.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Worst Mom Ever

I feel so terrible. I got Sierra and Reece all ready to play outside in their little pool and then when we got out there it was a little cold and windy and I didn't want to put Reece in the pool so we came back in. Sierra lost her mind, of course, I can't believe I didn't make sure it would be warm enough before getting her all excited. I had to bribe her with snacks and a movie and promises of going out as soon as it was warmer to get her to calm down. Then I had to take some pics of them in their suits.

He's signing for more.

Tired Boy

Sierra is such an early bird, Most mornings she's up by 6am. This morning was no different and now that the kids share a room it's been harder and harder to let Reece sleep because Sissy will wake him up. I've been working on teaching her to just come out of her room and close the door so Reece can sleep and this morning she did. She came and got me and I put a movie on for her so I could lay back down, but 5 minutes later she was yelling for me to get her a blanket and that woke Reece. I had her take him his sippy, because if he sees me it's over, and he went right back to sleep. That meant i got to go back to sleep too, yea! I woke up around 8:30 a little worried because Reece is usually crying around 7:30 and he was still quiet. I had to get up and check on him, otherwise I wouldn't be able to stop worrying, he was out. He didn't wake up until 9:30, that's crazy. Hopefully that doesn't screw up his nap today.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

He peed again, just thought I'd let ya know.


Bubba just peed in the potty. I know this is a weird thing to post about, but it really shocked me. Sissy went potty and I was helping her while Reece was in the hallway watching so I asked him if he needed to go potty, he said yea so I put him up there. I figured he'd just sit there for a while and then want to get down, but after only like 30 seconds he started peeing. I don't think he really knows what it means to go pee pee when i say it to him, but it was still really exciting to me that he was being such a big boy.

Friday, May 23, 2008


I have a lot of random things to blog about.

First of all Sierra is doing really well in gymnastics. Her coach mentioned to me today that they want to advance her to the next class. This just means that she'll be with girls a little bit older, but much bigger, and she'll be learning more new things. I am so excited, she's been way better at listening lately and IO was worried she'd get bored doing all of the same things that she's been doing since October. She learned a new trick too, it's called a seat-feet. Basically it's just bouncing on the trampoline, going to your bottom and directly back to your feet on the next bounce. She's been working on this for a while and she finally got it on Tuesday, I haven't got a video of it yet, but I will.

We switched thing around so the kids have a play room and these are the new bean bags we got them, the kids love them.
Bubba went poo poo in the potty today. I'm definitely not trying to potty train yet, i don't want to do another 2 years of it, but I heard him grunting so I asked if he wanted to go use the potty and he said yea. i took him in and put him on sissy's potty seat that sit on the regular toilet. He held the little handles and finally started pushing and he went. he was actually really excited about it. He even wanted to sit there for a while after he was done. He's even learning the sign for potty so were starting very slowly just introducing him to it, but I don't plan on doing anything more until he's walking, and at least 2.

Lastly, I love Grey's Anatomy and I'm sooo sad it's over for the season. It was terrible for me that the finale was on until 11 because I was exhausted, but I watched all of it anyway, of course. i was really happy with the show last night, It was a good one. I'm glad Meredith and McDreamy are getting back together. I think George and Lexi could be a very cute couple, I think I like her. I felt so bad for Alex and actually kind of think him and Izzy could have an interesting thing going on next season. But the thing that ruined the finale for me was the kiss between Callie and Hahn( I have no idea how to spell those names). I wish they had never started the whole lesbian aspect of their relationship, it just grosses me out and i don't want to have to watch it, but I know I can't give up the show. I'm definitely and addict. Now that it's over though I'm ready for So You Think You Can Dance, it's one of my favorite shows.

Monday, May 19, 2008

100 Posts!!!

Well I made it to 100 posts. I wish I had something interesting to post about, but nothing is coming to me. I guess I'll just post some pics of the kiddos.

I love the look on his face in this picture, he was so proud of himself.

In the waiting room at the eye doctor.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Lilac Parade

The kids and I went to the Lilac Parade last night.Dave had to work so we went with one of my friends and her family. We had so much fun, all of the kids got along great and the weather was beautiful. I think it was the warmest Lilac Parade I've ever been to. Of course we took the kids on the Merry-go-Round before we sat down to watch the parade, Reece's first time, and the kids loved it. Reece got a little nervous at first when his horse started moving, but he liked it once he got going.

Sierra had such a blast watching the parade. She loved waving to the princesses and dancing to the marching bands. It was fun to watch her having so much fun because I remember going to the parade when I was little and I want her to have fond memories of it like I do. We spent a lot of time trying to keep Reece content since he couldn't be down on the ground, he wouldn't sit on the blanket and play, so he had to be held or in the stroller the whole time. Besides the fact that he dumped a whole bottle of bubbles on himself, which caused me to stress out for a little bit. All in all we had a great time. Both kids stayed up for the whole parade, even though Reece was tired before the parade even started.

Some planes flew over before the parade started, both kids got pretty excited.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Pool Time

David set up our little wading pool today, it's not really little, sort of a medium size pool, big enough for Dave and I to sit in with the kids and cool off. Sierra was so excited about it, she barely got through the door after gymnastics before she was asking to get in the pool. The water was waaaaay to cold for Dave and I, but I knew Sis would want to get in anyway. Reece was really shocked by the cold and he cried at first, but he did OK after a little bit. They never did get all the way in, just up to their wastes or so, but it was enough to cool them off. And Sierra freaked when we took her out. My camera batteries died right after I took the pic of Reece getting in so I didn't get any of them actually playing, but I will later.

She was so excited, she almost went in naked.
Reece didn't want to pose for the picture, he was ready to swim

You can tell he was shocked by the water. He started crying a little and we took him out and let him sit on the side with just his feet in.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Little Funny

Sierra said the funniest thing today. She was taking a nap at school and I went to get her, so I laid down next to her to wake her up gently. As we were snuggling and she was stretching she let out a little toot. She giggled a little bit and I said, "Did you toot? What do you say?", She replied sweetly with, "Thank you."

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Jump for Joy

Sierra was being really playful last Saturday. She was doing a great job playing with Reece and entertaining him so I could get some stuff done around the house. I think Bubba finally got tired of following her around because he laid down in the hallway and just kinda chilled out. Apparently Sissy wasn't ready to be done playing because she started jumping over him. It probably wasn't the safest thing to do, but it was so cute. She's gained a lot of strength and balance since starting gymnastics and is doing a lot of physical types of playing, ie: jumping on couches and beds, and climbing on things. I got almost a perfect sequence of pictures to portray the jumping, they didn't actually happen in this order, but it looks like they could have. The second one is my favorite.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

I just wanted to post a quick post to all of the mother's out there who read my blog and wish all of you a happy Mother's Day. Being a mother is the most important role we play in life and it is definitely not recognized enough. We often go unappreciated for all of the little things we do, not that we expect it, we do everything out of love for those around us. I would not be the person I am today without my own mother, whom I love so much and appreciate all she has ever done for me. And whom I miss, especially on this day. I wish she lived near by. No matter how stressed I get, or frustrated, or impatient I wouldn't change my life for anything, being a mother is my greatest blessing.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

First Time Ever

I mowed my very first lawn the other day. I have never even pushed a lawn mower before, my dad always did it growing up and we've never had a lawn to mow until now. Dave went out and bought a new lawn mower this week and we put it to use the next day. I actually had a lot of fun and did the whole back yard. It's not an incredibly good workout since the mower is self propelled, but it was tough to turn it, so it worked my arms a bit. I think I'll probably be doing most of the lawn mowing this year.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Hats Off

Reece has a favorite hat right now, he asks me for it all the time. Every time he sees it he wants it on. I got some cute pictures of him in it the other day. I thought he was so funny because He was in a diaper, it was pretty warm, and he wanted this winter hat on, he is so cute sometimes.

He is such a cutey pants, minus the

I'd asked where his hat was.

I thought this hat was so adorable when I bought it. I didn't really think about it until later that the skull being a baby skull means that it's a dead baby. I still think it's very cute even if it is a little grotesque.

Look at that hat hair.

Close up.

Movie Review: 27 Dresses

I really liked this movie a lot, I'd already gotten a lot of good reviews from other people so I expected it to be good. The problem I had while watching this movie was feeling incredibly bad for the main character. Their were several times where I wanted to just cry for her. In general I loved the movie, I really like Katherine Heigl, I can't remember how to spell her name. I would recommend it to anyone who hasn't seen it.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

I don't have anything to write about, but I'm planing on watching 27 Dresses while I work out tonight. I've heard good things about it so I'll let you know what I think later tonight or tomorrow

Monday, May 5, 2008

All's Well

The kids checked out great at their appointments today. Sierra was such a big girl, she did everything the doctor asked her to do without any fussing. Reece was a big pain in my butt, he cried the whole time we were waiting. i couldn't find any way to keep him satisfied. At least the appointment was much faster than I remember Sierra's being last time. We got there at 8 and did paperwork, went back and had eye drops put in to dilate there eyes, then we had to wait half an hour for the drops to work. After that they checked their eyes and we were out of there by 9:15. Now were good to go for another year.

Eye Apptointments

The kids have their annual eye doctor appointments today. This is actually Reece's first time being seen and i think it's been over a year for Sis, but better late than never. The kids have to be routinely screened for juvenile cataracts, another lovely, possible side effect of the RTS. Hopefully they'll be cooperative. I remember Sierra's first visit being very long and we did a lot of waiting. They had to put the drops in her eyes and then I think we waited for an hour for them to work. At least they have a pretty good waiting room otherwise it might be really hard to keep them entertained. Hopefully everything will check out normally and we wont have to go back for year.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

About Time

We went out in the backyard to play for the first time this spring. It was fun to let the kids run free. We have a lot of plans this summer, such as, a pool or trampoline and just fun outside stuff in general. Hopefully that will encourage us to spend lots of time outdoors. Reece had a bit of trouble with the grass. He doesn't like the feel of it on his feet so I encouraged him to walk around barefoot a lot to get him desensitized. His feet are really sensitive and that's one of his big reasons for not walking. Here a re some cute picture of the kids on our first backyard outing.

See how he curls his toes under.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

OK, Here it goes

I'm going to try out the picture advice I got and see if it works. I'm typing all of this first and then I'm going to add my pics.

We had lots of fun at the park and I managed to get some cute shots of the kids out in the sun. Of course we do all we can to keep them protected from the sun, as you can see from Reece's hat and glasses. Sierra still managed to get a bit red and she's also broken out in a rash on her neck that is really itchy. I don't know if the rash is from the sun or the plants outside, it seems to happen every summer and it doesn't matter what I do, I can't prevent it. I think I'll have her allergy tested this year.

Here come the pics...

Big Boy

Sierra and her cousin, Faith.

She climbed up all by herself.

IT WORKED!!!! Shannon you are amazing! This has been driving me crazy for months. If anyone else is having the same troubles I mentioned in my previous blog check out the comment from Shannon.