Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Nothing big has been going on around here lately so I haven't had much to post about, unless you want to hear about our attempts to potty train our puppy. She did really well on her first day, but has been having more accidents lately, it's probably because we've been more relaxed about watching her, but it's still really frustrating. We still love her though and I'm going to try to stay on top of things so we can get this done right from the beginning. We went to my nephew, Tanner's, birthday party on Sunday and had a great time. They always have a great party and the kids always love it. This year the theme was spongebob and it was a big hit with the kids. Sierra's favorite part was the life size spongebob, she's usually scared of thing like this, ie Chuck E Cheese, but she actually loved it this time, I think because it was a familiar character. She held his hand and even hugged him. Reece, on the other hand, wasn't so impressed by him. You couldn't have pried him off my legs.

Saying Cheese for her pic with Spongebob.
A big hug.
Trying to convince brother to go see Spongebob.

1 comment:

Shannon said...

Awww! I miss you guys!