Thursday, October 30, 2008

Reece is such a sweet boy. After baths tonight, I told him to find his silky and he got it and climbed right into bed all by himself. I hadn't even said anything about putting him to bed, although that was my plan, and he just crawled right up and laid down. I love how cooperative both of my kiddos are about bedtime, sometimes I wish they would LET me rock and snuggle them to sleep, but I'm so grateful that I don't HAVE to rock them to sleep every night. Doesn't Bubba look so sweet in these pics, my baby's getting so big, WAAAAHHHH!

1 comment:

Shannon said...

That is sooo cute! and i would do anything for my kids to just GO. TO. BED! Oh my goodness! Never wish that you had to rock them, because it turns into so much more, ugg! It is 10:30 here, are my kids asleep? NO! And his hair is getting so long! Love it!