Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Lots Of Catching Up To Do, Part 1

I am way behind on my blogging and it will probably take me several posts to catch up on everything so I'm going to start with Halloween and I'll get to our vacation as soon as possible.

The kids were so cute on Halloween, Reece was a cowboy and Sierra was a fraidy cat, because she's such a chicken butt about anything scary. They looked so adorable all dressed up, Sierra got to have make-up for her nose and whiskers so Reece, of course had to have some too so he ended up with a mustache, talk about cute. The kids got to go trick-or-treating with their friends at school around some of the businesses nearby. When we got home I took them around the neighborhood for a little bit, but we only got to about 10 houses before Reece was crying for me to carry him so we went home and got ready for the trunk-or-treat. They did a big desert feed at the church building before they started the trunk-or-treat, they didn't let the kids outside until 8 o'clock and by that point it was pretty cold so the kiddos didn't last long and we went home with very little candy. I guess it's no big deal, but this is the least amount of candy we've gotten and this year the kiddos are allowed to actually have a little bit more than in previous years. I'm kind of a mean mommy who deprives her kids of stuff like candy and treats. I don't know why I'm like that,but I've let them have more than usual lately so i guess I'm getting nicer, or lazier, I don't really know.
Dave stayed home and handed out candy o the neighborhood kids. He actually dressed up in a scary costume and sat outside like a decoration and then scared the kids when they came up. I wish I'd gotten some video, the neighbors even sat out in their yard and watched him.

She loved having make-up on her face.

Such a cute little cowboy, his hat was too big though, it wouldn't stay on his head, even with the string i added.

Showing of her tail.

He looks like he's square dancing in this picture.


Shannon said...

Gah! SO stinking cute! I love that she was a "fraidy cat"! That is adorable, and Reece's mustache is too much! I am glad you guys had a fun halloween, and I am a mean mommy too!

I read all these mom's talking about how their kids buckets are empty by the time they get home, um NO! We go through all the candy, and then I let them each pick like 15 pieces that were their very own, and I am doling them out after meals and stuff.

Mindi said...

My kids only get something if their really good. david eats most of it which is fine with me, I just pick out my faves.

Melanie Kym said...

Cute, cute, cute. Oh my gosh. I'm so happy you finally posted. I think it's funny that you added a string to Mr. Reece's cowboy hat because that's exactly what I did for Faith's witch hat too. I felt like a good little mommy getting out my hot glue gun to do that job!!! Oh, and setting boundaries for your kids only makes you a better mama!

NICHOLE said...

I absolutely love the cowboy outfit!!!

Anonymous said...

oh my goodness! i love their costumes!! we will have to do something when i come home for the holidays. i have a new cell number. 509 434 4683
