Thursday, September 27, 2007


I got the cutest pictures of the kids this morning. They were on the couch watching Barney while I got everything ready to head out the door. They looked so sweet sitting next to each other I had to grab the camera. These pictures kind of tell a story: first they were sitting so nicely next to each other, than I asked Sierra to snuggle Reece, but he wasn't really interested in that, he started pulling away from her, than he decided , if she was bothering him, he might as well bother her too, so he started grabbing her face and her hair which only made her bust up even more. It melts my heart to see them interact with each other like little friends. Reece loves his big sister so much and Sierra is so protective of her baby brother.

This goofy picture was just the icing on the cake, they both look sooooo silly.


NICHOLE said...

Oh my!!! Those are too cute, way cuter than words can describe. From those pics, they could pass as joke. They are so sweet!!

Melanie Kym said...

What a couple of hams you have there! And you're right, the last picture is the absolute best. What I want to know is how you get them to say and do all these cute things all the time. I think you must make some of these things up.

Shannon said...

Ha! Reece's face in the last one is SO sweet! My main concern is how jealous I am that it is cool enough there for sweet Sierra to have a vest and long sleeves on! We miss you guys! Natalie "talks" on the phone to Sierra all the time and "asks" her to come over and play.