Wednesday, July 9, 2008


With the weather getting warmer, the kids have been ahving popsicles more often. I got some pictures of Reece eating his the other day because he makes the cutes faces. He sucks on his popsicle than sucks on his lips and tongue, it looks really funny. You can even see his finger that got smashed, it's all purple under the fingernail (I think he might lose it), and some of the tape that's still stuck to his tummy from his surgery last week.


NICHOLE said...

Surgery??? I didn't know Reece had surgery?

morgantyan said...

Me either. What for? And what did you to to his finger you meanie?!! ;)

Shannon said...

Surgery???? Finger smashed??? C'mon! You left out the ost important details!!! Though he does look pretty darn CUTE!