Friday, July 18, 2008

New Addition

Well Dave's been hounding me for a few years about getting a new mattress. We've been sleeping on a hand-me-down from his parents for the last few years, which is nice, but broken. One of the box springs is broken ad the bed dips down where we sleep, it does no good to flip the mattress at all. I kept telling him we'd get a new mattress eventually, but i just couldn't see spending all that money just for a bed when we already had one that at least did the job. He finally talked me into it and he went to get it on Wednesday, his friend Noel helped him pick it up in his truck and we gave him our old mattress. All I can say is i never really realized how much difference a good mattress makes to sleep. I have slept so comfortably the last few nights. He's actually complained that it's not as comfy as he thought it would be and is a little bit disappointed, but I think it's awesome and he's just being too picky.

Sissy had to climb on top, this is out old mattress and box springs with the new mattress on top, in the living room waiting to go to their designated places.
Reece had to go up once he saw Sissy.
All set up, waiting for clean sheets.
Close up on the label.

1 comment:

Shannon said...

Whoa! Looks comfy!