Skinny little baby boy, he was showing me his Cheerio.
We finally got our new computer this weekend, so I'm hoping I'll be able to return to a more regular blogging routine. We'll see how that goes because I seem to be really good at something for a week or two and then I slowly fizzle out. I want to post something everyday because I love being able to keep my family and friends posted on what's happening with our family. The kids are growing up so fast and it's nice to tell all of the cute and funny stories about them and only have to do it once.
To update everyone: Sierra's getting so smart, she's learning new things everyday. Her vocabulary amazes me and her little attitude is constantly bringing a smile to my face. She has a way of melting everyone's heart, even perfect strangers, and getting whatever she wants. For example: we went to Blockbuster to rent some movies the other night and when we walked out of the store I realized she had walked out with a push-pop candy that had a toy plane attatched to it. I told her that she was stealing because she hadn't paid for it and I took it back into the store. When I told the guy behind the counter that she had come out of the store with it he took it from me and then handed it back to me and smiled. I didn't really know what to do so I just said thank you and left. I didn't let her see that he'd given it back because I wanted the stealing lesson to stick, but I kept it to put in her Easter basket.
Sierra's still having some issues with potty training, I shouldn't say she's having issues because she's fully daytime potty trained it's just for naps and bedtime that we're having problems. She wasn't having any accidents, even at bed, until around January then she started wetting the bed almost every night and sometimes during naps. I've heard that it could be because she's having a growth spurt and sleeping more heavily, but it's been almost 3 months now so I guess maybe she's just going to be a bed wetter, Dave and I both were.
Reece is doing really well. We are officially off the Binky since probably the beginning of march, it was surprisingly easy. He lost it one night behind his crib and I just left it there and that was that. He has started physical therapy for his walking and is doing better every week. They say he has sensory issues so he doesn't like the feeling of things on his feet which is hindering his walking. It doesn't help that he's also wimpy and skinny. He's having feeding issues too. He throws up at least once every day sometimes 2 or 3 times. We don't know if it's from an allergy, or his gag reflex, but it's getting a little ridiculous. I'm hoping to get him into the feeding clinic soon so we can get it straightened out. He's already tiny for his age and this isn't helping with the weight gain.
Here's a couple pics of the kids, Okay the pictures were suppose to be down here, but I haven't done this for so long that I'm having technical difficulties.
Yay! Mindi updates! I crave these since I am awful at calling (plus I never have time to be on the phone, but I am on the computer ALL THE TIME!) The kids are looking so big, I can't believe how much Reece has grown. Natalie asks me at least 3 times a week when she can play with Sierra again. Sounds like life is just rolling along, same goes here! Love and Hugs!!
Cute Cute pics!
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