Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Easter Prep

So we are having Easter dinner at our house this year with Dave's parents and his sister Kim's family. I am a little anxious about all of the preparation that will be involved and the clean up afterward. At least it wont be a huge group of people for the first time we host a family gathering so it should be good practice for the future. We made all of the food assignments today and bought the ham, kinda pricey, so there's no turning back now. At least Dave has the day off from work because I told him if he had to work than we'd probably have to cancel the entire thing, I don't think I could handle the stress of it on my own. Now I just have to get the house in order, so I'll be spending my Saturday scouring the house, anybody with nothing to is welcome to join me, ha ha.

1 comment:

Shannon said...

Hey! I'll be right over! I wish...